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Archive for October, 2013

What an Adventure.


I finished my Peace Corps Service in May 2013 so now i am a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer.  I know that it has taken me a long time to update this, but honestly i forgot about this blog, which is why this update is about 6 months late. There are days where i feel like PC and Morocco never happened, alike it was all a long dream and i just woke up. It’s a bit weird to be honest.

So…what have i learned? This is one of the main questions i get from people and i rarely answer it seriously, instead opting for a more generic, cliche quick answer that rolls off of my mind, the answer that normal people can relate to, anything to move onto the next subject.

But i’m gonna be serious for a moment and really answer that question as best as i can. There is so much that i have learned about myself , and in general, that there is not enough time for me to express it. I feel like i grew up by 10 years rather then the mere 2 i spent in Morocco. I learned that i can poop anywhere. I learned that confidence in yourself will take you far,  the outside world is constantly going to  try to break your confidence with images and expectations and trying to tell you what to do, but don’t listen to that static. It’s ok to be alone, more importantly LEARN how to be alone.If you have an imagination you will never truly be bored.  You are not a unicorn, the world does not owe you anything. A core group of good friends will get you through your worst times. You don’t really need to shower every day.  Don’t always stay in your head. The only reason you need to look at what your neighbors have is to make  sure that they have enough.  Don’t get in a fight if you have a glass jaw (i’m saying this metaphorically, but it works literally too.).  Keep you’re chin up, you’re eyes open, shoulders back, follow your gut, be strong because people can smell weakness.  And be sure to do no harm but take no shit.

That’s all folks.

Here are a few pictures from swearing out.  My staji was broken up into groups where 10 of us left each week, so these pictures are of my 10 group leaving.

This is me officially “Stamping out” Guess what i am mentally thinking.  the 2nd one is me with my Peace Corps BFF, she lived 8km away from me and kept me sane. the 3rd pic is just cool. i’m in the back so you can’t see me. we look like a GAP commercial. and the last one is from my last sunset in Marrakech.

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Bslama. God bless your parents.