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Random ramblings

You know what’s great about having a dog?  Whenever you drop something on the floor they are always there to eat it and you never have to clean it up. The ants in my house have become like my dog. Anytime I drop any kind of food particle after a few minutes they swarm the food and carry it away. I have no idea where they take the food, I can only assume there is a mass ant lair under my house where they are building their power and numbers until one day they will kill me.

I sleep on my roof 6 months out of the year because it is just too hot and uncomfortable in my house to sleep during the spring/summer months.  I actually like sleeping on my roof because the stars at night are so beautiful. There is no light pollution (gotta love village life) so I can see everything and on nights when there is a full moon I can read on my roof, it’s pretty awesome.  I have this routine when I go to bed, after I have set up my bed on the roof I listen to Miles Davis (Flamenco Sketches) and count the shooting stars. For those 9 minutes and 25 seconds I am at peace with life and the world. The stars are completely surrounding me and they are the only thing I can see, it feels like the sky is hugging me. I know that when I am back in the states this “routine” I have will rarely happen, and I will miss those 9 minutes and 25 seconds.

I need to discuss one of the best things that I have discovered since moving here.  The MOO-MOO!   I know you are thinking “what? Huh? Why?” well, let me just explain and BLOW YOUR MIND! Yes, I am talking about an actual moo-moo here, all the women wear them inside their houses because it is a light fabric that covers most of your body and is very comfortable.  They are ALWAYS full of color and consist of different flower patterns. You may think that it sounds ugly, but they are really beautiful and fun! It actually looks a lot like this (read: I look like this in my house when I wear my moo-moo, see that smile? Yeah that’s true happiness.):

They are the best thing ever because when it is really hot and you are not dressed appropriately (naked) in your house and someone knocks on your door all you have to do is throw a moo-moo on and BAM! You’re good to answer the door!  Also this moo-moo will save your life when you travel.  Don’t you hate when you are using a communal shower having to put clothes on in the less than desirable shower stall? Well no need to worry anymore just throw the moo-moo on that can double as a towel and walk back to your room, strutting your stuff, knowing that you have beaten the evil communal shower system.  Want to go to the beach but you don’t have enough room to pack a beach towel (cough Ryanair cough)? NO WORRIES! Your moo-moo is so large that it can act as a beach towel! It’s dirty? That’s ok! Your moo-moo is made of ultra-light material that dries in less than an hour!  Basically what I am saying is that Moo-Moos are awesome and in a perfect world everyone would be wearing a moo-moo all the time…and only moo-moos.

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